Friday, December 19, 2008

127.Online Business Networking Your Key to Global Exposure

ness owners are in some form of business network or even multiple business networking hubs both locally and online. However the one problem that has been at the forefront of my mind with these networks is they don't actively stimulate daily participation, nore is there the reward there to bring in new members to network with.

The main thing with a lot of online networking programs (while they can be extremely effective, if your strategy is right) is firstly:

They are somewhat difficult and rather confusing to setup and find your way around.

They aren't all that effective for the untrained or those left to their own devices to set them up and utilize them.

A lot of people are using them for multilevel marketing recruitment, which causes a lot of business owners to steer clear of them.

To get the true power of the service you need to upgrade your service level, where you're supposed to get more exposure and tools to use for your business networking communications.

There is no real money to be made by joining their program that would amount to any real income from affiliate commissions.

They don't seem to grow under their own steam, meaning that new online business members don't approach you to learn more about your business.

All the above and much more, really stunts your business growth from online business network sources. If you're lucky enough to know how to really work these online hubs however, you're going to make some very good contacts that will be extremely valuable to your business over the long term.

The above that I've just explained are how a typical online network for business works. Now I'm going to cover how a brand new forms of online business are now coming into play on the net.

I've been lucky consult with the founders and directors of many online networking hubs, as I've aided them with their online marketing and strategy for the launch of their particular networks.

What I've found is the fact that not many of them offer "automatic growth" mechanisms to help you grow your business, even if you become part of the network and then for whatever reason don't actively participate.

And some online networks don't offer very simple, yet extremely powerful interfaces for managing your business network and the contacts you come in touch with over time. This is imperative if you're to stay active with your online networking efforts, otherwise it will just feel "Too Hard" and you're results will drop off as you begin to withdraw from your efforts.

I've found that the fact that while many online networking hubs are free, that some of the best results have come from paid hubs, for both me and my clients, and from studies done by online networking hubs. Some hubs range from between 10 to 50's per month to be part of, you can very quickly get your membership costs back in selected networks. And to take this a step further, some even offer affiliate type referral programs to allows you to make an income on top of building your existing business.

The best online hubs, really acknowledge how important it is to integrate other business networks and they basically engulf all the other networks out there and include them as an opportunities to join them from within their own network, now that's a real grandaddy of networking strategy

All I can say is this, spend some time researching for online networks that will suit you and your business direction. I've basically pulled quite a number of them apart, and put them back together and have my chosen ones that I cannot find any flaws in for my business, I urge you to do the same for your business... It will be worth your while

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